S- Solutions

Learn about tools and strategies that will shape the future that we want.

Project Drawdown

Echoing Green

Buckminster Fuller Challenge


Designing Justice Designing Spaces


P- Passion Project

Have a side hustle that supports your larger community/the world, find a comrade and make it happen.


I- Investments

How are you voting with your dollars? Where does your money sleep at night? Change your bank.

Good Guide

Buy Me Once

New Resource Bank

Parnassus Fund


N- News

Saturate yourself in the media of the future you want to create.


Next Economy Now Podcast

Kiss the Ground

Next City


E- Employment

How can you support planetary regeneration with the 80,000 hours of your career? How can you do more with your current job.

Regenerative Futures Summit

Regenerative Business

Regenerative Enterprise

Regenerative Culture